Anti-inflammatory diets for arthritis

Can anti-inflammatory diets help with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?

Can a diet help reduce inflammation in the joints? According to Russel Greenfield, Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, there are certainly strong indications. He points out the experiences of patients with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis who had been on holiday in India. They told that their joints did not feel so painful.

“Logical,” says Greenfield. “In India and many other Asian countries, curries are on the menu. Its main component is curcumin. This is a natural anti-inflammatory device that can help relieve pain in rheumatic complaints. Another popular ingredient of Asian cuisine – ginger – also has an anti-inflammatory effect. “

Omega-3 fatty acids

Greenfield believes that in addition to the Asian style of food, the Mediterranean diet is also very suitable for inhibiting inflammations in the joints. This consists of fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and olive oil. Also, with this diet, a glass of wine us ingested daily. Omega-3 fatty acids play a major role in the Mediterranean diet. These beneficial acids have anti-inflammatory properties. The fatty sea fish – like mackerel, salmon and herring – in this diet provide a high dose of these Omega-3 fatty acids. But also vegetable products like green vegetables, nuts and legumes provide the body of these anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

Not balanced

“In the Western world, foods contain too many omega-6 fatty acids and too few omega-3 fatty acids. If this is out of balance, inflammation may occur in the body, “

says Barry Sears. This American biochemist is the author of the book The Zone Diet, which is about the role of food in reducing inflammation.

“A diet that is rich in Omega-6 and low is in Omega-3 is associated with increasing levels of cytokines in the body. And these substances can cause inflammation. “

It has been found that a dose of Omega-3 of three grams or more per day is very effective in joint problems, which reduces pain, stiffness and swelling.

Brown rice

Professor Christopher Cannon, associated with Harvard Medical School and co-author of the book ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to The Anti-Inflammation Diet’. This is basically the Zone Diet, but then supplemented with Omega-3 fatty acids. Below the basis of this anti-inflammatory diet:

  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Restrict saturated fats and trans fats as much as possible
  • Ensure proper intake of Omega-3 fatty acids by eating fatty sea fish or a fish oil supplement
  • Reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates, such as pasta and white rice.
  • Eat whole grains, such as brown rice or bulgur
  • Eat lean protein sources, such as chicken, turkey, pork tenderloin and ham
  • Ban as many red meat and full fat dairy products from your menu as possible.
  • Avoid refined and processed foods
  • Spice your meals with anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger and curry (Curcumin).

Fruit of the season

Anti-inflammatory dietsCannon gives an example of how one day anti-inflammatory food could look like it. For breakfast, lean yogurt with oatmeal and berries can be used and a cup of coffee or green tea. The lunch consists of tuna salad on whole wheat bread and a smoothie made with seasonal fruit. As a snack you can eat a piece of pure chocolate or four walnuts. Dinner could consist of whole wheat spaghetti with a pasta or chicken turkey sauce plus a spinach salad with orange and walnuts.

Healthy weight

Anti-inflammatory diets do not promise weight loss. But in many cases some excess pounds will dissapear. Greenfield finds this logical if you look at the composition of this diet. “If you do not eat red meat, full fat dairy, saturated fats, trans fats and highly processed carbohydrates, you’re likely to lose weight. And maintaining healthy body weight is the best thing you can do to reduce inflammation. “The CEO of the American Reuma Fund agrees.”There is a connection between overweight and arthritis. The heavier you are, the more likely you will develop cartilage wear ultimately resulting in inflammation. ”

Customize the entire eating pattern

Greenfield does not find it surprising that anti-inflammatory diets need more time to show an effect than anti-inflammatory analgesics such as NSAIDs.

“Such a drug is effective against pain soon after ingestion. An anti-inflammatory diet requires more time. However, most patients experience a noticeable difference within a few weeks. “

In addition, he emphasizes that attention should not be focused on one individual ingredient, such as fish oil. The complete eating pattern needs to be adjusted.

Powerful anti-inflammatory action

Changing your eating pattern can therefore help reduce inflammation in the joints. In addition, the liquid Green-lipped mussel with Bio-Curcumin can also provide a good support. This joint cure contains two ingredients that play an important role in anti-inflammatory properties of the Mediterranean diet and Asian cuisine. It is a comprehensive range of Omega-3 fatty acids of the Green-lipped mussel, including some very rare non-fatty sea fish and the powerful Bio-Curcumin anti-inflammatory inhibitor with high bioavailability. This means 70% of users get a good result in 20 to 80 days: less pain and swelling and smoother joints.


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